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Yeni Bt Toyib Maid

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Yeni Bt Toyib Maid



Maid Type


Date of Birth


Other Information
Able to handle pork
Able to eat pork
Able to handle beef
Able to eat beef
Able to care dog/cat
Able to do simple sewing
Able to do gardening work
Able to wash car
Willing to work on off-days with compensation
Willing to work with another helper
Number of off-days per month
Areas of Work Willingness Experience Evaluation Comments
Care of infants/children
Care of elderly
Care of disabled
General housework
Language Skill Converse English & Mandarin
Employment History
From To Country Duties Remarks
2018 2019 Singapore All around: cooking 3x/day, washing, cleaning, ironing, marketing weekly, wash 1 car once every 2 days, take care of Ahma, who is 79 years old and healthy and independent. Helper prepares meals and clothes. Ahma also enjoys going to the market, park, shopping, and eating. Helper is always there to support and go with her. Employer and helper get along well, and the helper always follow her instruction. HP only use weekly & NO off day during employment with this Helper knows how oto MRT/bus in Singapore as she always follow Ahma go everywhere. Stay at condo (3bedrooms/3toilets) with 4 family members (Sir/Madam/Ahma/1son 17yo)
2013 2016 Taiwan Taiwan Family All around: cooking 2x/day, washing, cleaning, Ahkong, 80 years old, weighs 70 kg/172 cm, he can't walk, most of the time on the bed, and requires assistance to transfer to wheelchair & send him to and from the bathroom. He needs to be cleaned from head to leg, with his hair washed, his face cleaned, and his teeth brushed. He also needs food prepared (porridge and mashed vegetables), changed into new clothes, brought to the garden near the house in a wheelchair, brought to the hospital once a month, given medicine three times a day according to schedule, and massaged. Ahkong's room has a bell, and he wakes up twice a night to change his diaper and give water if necessary. Take care of Ahma 79yo (healthy & independent), assist prepare clothes and foods as & when needed. Ahkong and Ahma's two adult children always pay them a visit as they stay nearby with them The helper gets along well with both employers and the elderly as she takes a good care of both elderly. Stay at apartment (3bedrooms/2toilets) with Ahkong/Ahma only
2010 2012 Middle East Arab family All around: cooking 3x/day (breakfast: roti prata/bread/egg/milk, etc, lunch/dinner: nasi brani, steamfish, noodles, spagetty, fried rice, rendang, sambal egg, etc), washing, cleaning, ironing everyday, helper wakes up at 5am & do the personal hygiene, then cleaning the living room & prepare breakfast, look after a 2-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy. When the oldest child wakes up at 6 a.m., the helper gets him ready for school (packing his backpack, uniform, shoes, snack, milk, bread, and water bottle), and then send him to and fetch from the school bus (6:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.). Playing with kids involves singing, building blocks, taking them to a park close to the house, sharing a room with kids at midnight, giving milk, and bring to toilet when necessary. Stay at apartment (3bedrooms/3toilets) with 4 family members (Sir/Madam/2children)
Maid Introduction


Tel Phone:
Mobile Phone:
883 North bridge Road #03-01 The Southbank Singapore 198785
Office Hour:
Monday - Friday (10am - 7pm) Saturday (10am - 4pm) Sunday and Public Holiday (Closed)

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CHARMING MAY Employment Agency LLP
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